So, I've finally got my music software working with a crack, so now I can export stuff (finally)
I'm hoping to actually start using the program more often and not just mess around with useless stuff, although the full version of this program takes alot of getting used to, so don't expect anything too flash as of yet, although i'll be submitting some tests just to see what other users think about them, and hopefully to improve anything that completely fails (which, I expect, will be the first three or four tracks)
I've submitted my first track, "Layered Insanity" (I know the name sucks, but it was the best I could think of at twelve in the morning) already, and its going through an evaluation process at the moment, which could take a number of days (damn lazy staff) and I don't know whether it is going to get through or not, but with the crap submitted nowadays into the audio portal I'm sure it'll pass with only just drifting colours, (meaning "barely") but meh, I'll see how things turn out soon enough.
Here's a picture of my first real work in FL Studio just for the heck of it, but it's only about five layers, so it's nothing special.